A father/daughter moment that brought new meaning to the words, "brutally honest":
[Daddy and Jasmine driving to pick up a coworker on a Friday morning]
Jasmine: Daddy... where are we going?
Daddy: We're going to pick up one of daddy's friends from work.
Jasmine: But Daddy...
Daddy: Yes, love?
(in a very matter of fact tone of voice...) 
You don't have any friends.
Man... children are...
brutal. I think I just got sucker punched in the gut. I felt like I should've come back with a "yo momma" joke or something. But instead, I took the psychological battle scar and kept it moving. And of course she had to repeat it, just to make sure I heard her correctly. And to remove any ambiguity, for the 2nd time around, she added the fact that, "
mommy has friends...
but not daddy." SMH... that was cold, homey. And thus was born a new blog category: Kid Quotes.
Venesa keeps a journal of what I call kid quotes. It's a compilation of all of those adorable, hilarious, or sometimes just off-the-wall and blatantly politically incorrect things that our children say. Most of them are either inside jokes, or simply things that only a parent could appreciate or even understand (like mispronunciations that you refuse to correct because it's somehow hilariously adorable when your child butchers the English language). After some thought, I've finally decided to keep a tally of them here as well. My thinking is, (a) who knows where that journal of hers will be in 10 years, and (b) these are the little things that will connect moments to fond memories as we get older and struggle to remember the details of what made this time in our live so enjoyable. One day I'll print and bind this blog of ours (been thinking of doing so for a while now), so I may as well pack in what I can. So I apologize in advance for adding a category that will likely have little to no meaning outside of our home. But hey... it's our blog. Sue me.