Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Pisgah / Day 2

On day two we found frigid temps, Tasha's look-alike, Justin's hidden talent (bocce ball!), and a gorgeous view at Hooker Falls. In all, the impromptu trip was a nice preview for the one we actually already had planned for October. The only question that remains is, how much colder will it be when we try this again a month from now? Camping always involves the luck of the draw, and this weekend we happened to draw overnight temperatures that seemed much lower than usual.  The weekend started out warm enough, but quickly drifted from comfortable, to chilly, to cold, to daddy-better-build-a-fire-FAST. Our October destination is not as far from home, and is also not as elevated... and so I think we'll be okay.  Yet and still, it might be time to browse the internet for a thicker sleeping bag and another pair of long-johns. Better safe than sorry.

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