Response 1: “Not finding out… well
why not?!”
Response 2: “Not finding out… oh, that’s cool!”
Response 3: “... I don't get it... You’re not finding out
Not Finding Out shirt has definitely been a great conversation piece every time that I’ve worn it.

Actually, the mere fact that we’re “not finding out” (the sex of our baby) ahead of time has been an interesting topic throughout the entire pregnancy. Whenever Jerome and I tell people about us not finding out the sex of the baby, it usually stirs up a lot of comments and criticism. It also stirs up a lot of begging, swearing, and pleas for confidentiality; as in "please please tell me... I swear I won't tell anyone!!!".
For the most part, not many people could really understand why we would choose not to find out the sex of the baby when the technology is readily available. Some people were crazy enough to believe that we actually knew the sex, but were keeping it a secret. But it did help that at least our closest family and friends eventually got on board enough to respect our decision. The funny part is, I wouldn’t call us advocates of “not finding out.” In other words, we’re not renting a tour bus and

campaigning cross-country to ban ultrasound sex testing. It was just a decision that we made with this child and it is a very personal one. We may decide to find out the sex for our next child – who knows?! But we just decided that we wanted to be surprised this time around. For one, Jerome and I are both just old fashioned like that. And secondly, how often in life do you get to experience such a profound surprise for which you’d truly be happy no matter what the outcome? And so we’ve whole-heartedly enjoyed the mystery of it all, and even got used to the very opinionated responses that sometimes came along with it.
What V left out is that at first, I totally wanted to find out too!!! But in the end she convinced me to keep it a surprise (like I had a choice…) and I have to admit that we have had a lot of fun with it.
It is funny though that as a result, our baby will be dressed in your standard neutrals (white, yellow and green) for the first few weeks of his or her life. And we might have to write “I’m a boy” (for example) across his forehead in order to stave off any confusion. But then again we do have 18 years to shower our children with gender appropriate clothes, toys, and terms of endearment. So we’ll get our fix eventually.
Oh... I should also thank Bobby & Charnette for the wonderful job they did with the custom embroidering on V's "Not Finding Out" tee-shirts. Thanks so much... you guys are awesome.
So when's the next fishing trip?
man i need to blog about this. I think its a great idea... thanks for the idea. i won't link to your page for the privacy...
man she looks great.
Jerome, I just received the photos and kudos to me since it was less than two weeks from when you sent the email. We are very excited for you and V. The anticipation of your boy or girl has everyone on the edge of their seats so expect a lot of phone calls, e-mails, and unexpected visits from friends and family. Enjoy every moment with the new addition to the family. Let us know when everything slows down so we can stop by and meet the little one.
Bobby & Charnette
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