The photos are here, in the photo archive. They pretty much parallel the step-by-step timeline that I gave two entries ago. I wish I had time to make a full blog entry right

A billion things have transpired since coming home from the hospital (including being readmitted for some mild complications... more on that in the next entry), but I'll have to get to all of that in due time. In the meantime, it's hopefully enough to say that mom is doing great, Justin Alexander is doing great, and dad is doing his best to keep our lives glued together until Justin is old enough to explain to us why he won't sleep more than 3 hours. The past 10 days have easily been the most challenging and humbling experience of my life. Fatherhood does not waste anytime when it comes to changing your perspective on life and transforming the way you think about pretty much everything.
As for more photos, be patient grandparents! We promise that you'll be caught up in no time at all. But for now, V has some pumping to do, and I have a bottle to prepare.
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