Last night V had two episodes where she either doubled over or jerked in a way that prompted me to make sure she was alright. Both times she was fine, and responded, "that felt like a contraction or something" (actually, she said something more like GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME... I CAN'T TAKE IT NO MORE.... just kidding... she was

Long story short, this morning's article was on Braxton Hicks contractions; sporadic uterine contractions that start about 6 weeks into the pregnancy, although they usually won't be felt that early. Now that she has started to feel them, they'll still probably remain infrequent, irregular, and essentially painless for a while longer. But by the time we're within a couple of weeks of the due date, the contractions will get more intense and more frequent as the "groundwork" is set for labor. Wow... only six weeks left. Six weeks of partial sanity (Justin has already stolen the other part). And after that we turn into sleep-deprived zombies again. Looking back at round 1, it wasn't until months later that I realized how tired our eyes looked in this photo taken a few weeks after Justin was born. Man, we were in bad shape. Hmmm... speaking of Justin, I wonder if 6 weeks is long enough to teach him how to change a diaper and prepare a bottle at 3 am. I'm just saying...
Anyway, otherwise V and baby #2 are doing well. At this stage the baby is probably about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. V has also done an awesome job with her revised diet and keeping her sugar levels

1 comment:
J, I have to agree with you in that V really is a trooper. I've always looked up to her in that respect and many others. Thanks so much for keeping us posted on how everything is going. Plus it's always great to see how Justin is growing up so quickly! Take care, love you guys and God bless. :-)
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