So what's your guess...
a) Justin is auditioning for a part in the new movie, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the Prequel"...
b) He has taken his desire to be like his Daddy to the next level... or...
c) This is simply a cover-up for daddy's blunder with the hair cut this morning.
As for the answer, I'm not saying anything until my lawyer gets here.
Justin-----you look sooooo like a big boy!!!!!------Are you trying to give dad competition with your new look!!! It looks so cute-----wait till Melanie sees you-----you better start running away from her now!!!!
BTW, thanks to Jiashi and family for this very cool outfit that came all the way from China. They gave it to Justin over a year ago, and today just presented the perfect opportunity to try it on for size. Perfect fit. Thanks again.
Can you say Yul Brynner? I thought you were going to tell me he was cast in a prequel to the "King and I." Wow! This is all kind of scary because Danah has been cutting my hair for the past month.
Yeah, between my Kung Fu Master and your Shaolin Monk, Justin and Giavanna should make a karate flick together It took some getting used to, but once I got over the initial shock of the whoops, we had some fun with it. And I've gotta say that he looks pretty slick with that outfit. Maybe I should buy me one. And DeVon, I'll buy you one too just in case Danah slips up one day :o)
Doesn't he look sooo cute! Daddy thought I was going to be upset after I saw the hole in his 'fro. . . but I was the one who said, "just take it all off!" Thankfully Justin has my genes when it comes to hair - it grows like weeds. He should have his curls back in a couple of weeks. At least we'll get less complaints from the grandparents for a little while about how we don't brush his hair right :-)
Justin looks so adorable! He doesn't seem to mind one bit that his hair is M.I.A. :-) Good job (?) J! Lol. You all take care and God bless.
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