On father's day weekend, I ran my first organized run: The
CHKD 8k Run / 2 Mile Walk. Given that this was V's bright idea for us to start running this year, I'm not sure how I ended up on the 8k Run side while she was lined up for the 2 mile walk (scratching my head). I'll have to get back to you on that one once I figure it out. As for the results... 46 minutes. 57 seconds. And 5 days of wondering when my legs would stop throbbing. But somehow I'd still classify it as fun. They did a great job of making it not just a run, but an all-morning family friendly event. Nice atmosphere. Even the kids (including Aurie) came pretty darn close to enjoying themselves... and that's saying a lot given the 6 am wakeup call.

This is the best smile you're gonna get this early in the morning.

I'm ready. Let's do this!

Hold on. Let me get these hamstrings warmed up.

Are we there yet?

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