Although I wish I could say that I am without any discomforts, I am happy to say that I'm feeling pretty good overall. The last couple of weeks have probably been the best days of the pregnancy so far.
I only have 2 or 3 days per week where something that I eat will leave me feeling a little queazy/nauseous, but most of the time it is mild and doesn't require medication. Migraines are down to around once a week (yippee!). My biggest complaint is that the baby weight is making it difficult to be as mobile as I want to be. Getting up and down from playing on the floor with the kids is a challenge, as is getting in and out of car, etc. In general, I am feel pretty achey, but I'll take achey over feeling nauseous around the clock any day. My energy level is pretty high - although not high enough to give me the motivation to get out the house on these recent 90+ degree days (LOL). Thank God that Daddy is around this summer to give the kids some outdoor activity on days that I can't stand the heat.
Daddy's Note: In truth this post was written 5 days ago @ 26 wks... which is probably a good thing since mommy is most definitely back on the nausea roller coaster. And judging from her grunts, strains, and the angle of wobble, getting around has seemingly gotten about 3 times tougher in just a week. So sorry, my love. Hang in there, mommy. Do you see that light at the end of the tunnel? It's your OB/GYN's headlamp! We're almost home.
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