Welcome to the great outdoors.

Well Nourished
In other news, Naomi has graduated to supplementing her breast milk regiment with a bowl of baby cereal and about 3 or 4 jars of baby food a day... and that's a good thing since (thanks to some very kind donations) I think we have enough baby food to last her until she's in the 5th grade. Her overnight feedings are still a crapshoot. She slept from 9 til 4:30 last night... but may very well wake up twice to feed tonight, and not at all the next night. But either way, I think her lack of routine has become routine (if that makes any sense) and so I think we've pretty much adjusted to it by now. Stat-wise, we're looking at 24.5" and 15 lbs 9 oz.
Despite being able to (commando) crawl from one side of the room to the other, the ability to sit up unassisted has still escaped her to this point. It just seems a little backwards (crawling before sitting up) but it could very well be what the other two did as well. I honestly can't remember and am simply too lazy to look it up right now. In any event, I do know this much: She's at least got Justin beat in the mobility category. It wasn't until 7 months that he was rolling over both ways and commando crawling. Naomi had both of those crossed off her checklist at 5 months. On the other hand, we're not going to bring Jasmine Olivia into the conversation... because every time I think of her flying through the house in her walker at 4-months old, all I can do is shake my head. She was like a little olympic baby or something. Of course, all of these mini-milestones mean little-to-nothing (more like nothing) in the bigger scheme of things... but it's still fun to compare. They're just constant reminders of the uniqueness of each child. It's a beautiful thing.
Don't Leave Me!
As expected around 6 months, separation anxiety has kicked into high gear... but the good news is that we've got twice the number of warm bodies in the house to put around Naomi than we did with the first child; and so that usually helps to buy us some time. I've even stooped to putting her in front of the dog a time or two. Hey... say what you want, but I think I remember it buying me at least 5 minutes to do whatever task was before me (dinner? potty break for the other two? who knows what it was). And if lazy dog Tasha moved around a bit more, it could've bought me ten minutes. Any parent of multiple kids can tell you... sometimes those extra 5 minutes constitute that very thin line between a good, fun day with the kids... and involuntary admission to the insane asylum.
As expected around 6 months, separation anxiety has kicked into high gear... but the good news is that we've got twice the number of warm bodies in the house to put around Naomi than we did with the first child; and so that usually helps to buy us some time. I've even stooped to putting her in front of the dog a time or two. Hey... say what you want, but I think I remember it buying me at least 5 minutes to do whatever task was before me (dinner? potty break for the other two? who knows what it was). And if lazy dog Tasha moved around a bit more, it could've bought me ten minutes. Any parent of multiple kids can tell you... sometimes those extra 5 minutes constitute that very thin line between a good, fun day with the kids... and involuntary admission to the insane asylum.