Saturday, April 21, 2012

Two Plus One

Terrible Twos... Hmm. I'm not sure I'd really call her days as a two-year-old terrible. Yeah, there were some tough times... but "terrible"? Trying might be a better word. Granted, there were some terrible days mixed in there. But no more than a dozen. Maybe two dozen. It might have been more than that, but I'm sure it wasn't more than 2 days a week. Or four... four days a week, tops. Four days a work week. The fifth day was usually really good though. Unless it was Wednesday... or any day that started with the letter t, m, or s.

Forget it. The point is, she's three now and we thank God for every moment that we've had with her. Every. Single. One of them. Here's to three not being all that terrible. We love you, Jasmine Olivia. Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Charlette said...

Happy Birthday, Jasmine! Looked like you had a lot of fun!