Monday, July 2, 2012


Justin wakes up in the morning a little too philosophical for the rest of us heathens. We roll over at 6:50am, and bam, there he is: standing at the side of the bed, ready to engage. He's either ready to tell you about his dream (which is usually a pretty elaborate and interesting story, to be honest) or to pose the question that he has evidently pondered through the night. Here are two of last week's inquiries.

Exhibit A:
First, there are those questions for which he genuinely wants to know the answer.
Justin:  Can dead people drive? 
Daddy:  No (now, I'm thinking he's just being silly and this conversation is over... until..)
Justin:  Then how are we going to get to heaven when we die?
Thinking to myself: It's too early for this.

Exhibit B:
Then there are those questions for which he has already thought through the answer... but he's testing you to see if you've done the same.
Justin:     Is God in hell?
Mommy:  I don't think so.
Justin:     But we've learned that God is everywhere.
                So either God is in hell, or what we learned is wrong.
Mommy: Go ask daddy.


Anonymous said...

Kids, say the most brilliant things!

Tamara said...

Wow at that last question. :-)