But what you didn't read about was Naomi's regression in potty training, the timeout chair in the kitchen that seems to be occupied 24 hours a day, days when Jasmine cries every 10 minutes for no apparent reason, Justin loving school one day and making it a miserable experience for everyone the next, 4 children yelling "stop copying me!" (you copied me first!) every 20 minutes, malfunctioning septic tank and a dug up backyard, meals where the last kid finishes 85 minutes after we started, arguments about who gets the bless the food, allergic reactions, discipline issues at the Y, sinus infections, 174 questions every 10 minutes of absolutely no importance, more toothpaste on the bathroom sink than in the tube, 3 girls to part and brush before every departure, and a perpetual stack of dishes and clothes to be washed every day of the week. And that's just off the top of my head.
Another thing that Venesa pointed out just recently is that, when homeschooling with four small children, it's a constant battle to keep the house clean for any decent amount of time since the mess makers never leave! While you're cleaning up the west wing, they're destroying the east one. It's enough to make you want to tape their mouths and tie them to a chair for a few hours just to get a little peace of mind. But I looked it up... and that's illegal for whatever reason. So yes... it was time for a vacation of the pick-up-and-go variety, and it was just in time to catch the November special at Dunes Village Resort. Indoor water park. Oceanside Queen Suite (after a free upgrade). With less than two days notice, we booked a $360 room for under $100 per night, after taxes. Nothing like a 70% discount to say, hey, we know it's cold outside but if you've got 4 kids under 7 that are driving you insane; then this is the place for you.

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