For example, with the nursery 99.274% completed, we are now turning our attention to things like pre-washing the baby's clothes, packing hospital bags, and getting the car seat properly installed for the momentous first ride home from the hospital... a ride that I'm guessing will take about 3 times the usual amount of time, with two nerve-wrecked new parents on the road obeying the speed limits for the first time ever.
Even the babycenter updates are starting to shift gears on us. Instead of giving advice about the pregnancy and labor management, etc., this week they focused on things like hospital admission, birth announcements, and low maintenance hairstyles for V for once the baby is born.
/ouch/ excuse me... that was reality kicking me in the face again. Only 32 days stand between us and a full-term baby. How exciting is that?! If only we can get our things-left-to-do list down to 100 items or less, it wouldn't seem so overwhelming.
Anyhow, along those lines, the baby's room is pretty much a done deal.

Even though I was never excited about the thought of having 3 different baby showers, I admittedly understand that our lack of proximity to family makes it necessary. And now I can also say that I appreciate each one as being different in it's own right. The first one in SC was V's family, and so that was one dynamic. The second was here at home in VA (always nice to be home) and was ladies only, and so it had it's own flavor as well. The third will be in PA and will have more of a cookout appeal to it... and will be even less traditional still since the baby will already be here. But again that will also bring it's own dynamics to the table (e.g., toddler vs. infant gifts, and no more neutral greens and yellows :o) ... not to mention that my family is borderline insane, and so heading up north is always an adventure.
So for now I'm content to FINALLY start my summer vacation... even though there's an outside chance that it could end at any given moment.
I love the babies room. It is so you and V. Straight lines,no fuss,no frills, straight to the point , efficient and very very elegant. I like the blocks.I guess at some point they can also serve as a height measurer if you guys are still there!Love the colors and the clean lines of the furniture. I'm so excited I could burst and V looks like she's bursting too.WE have to start the plans for the next shower! My family is insane as you said and they need lots of notice. Help! We,re getting our bags packed and putting them by the door this weekend also!As TD Jakes says GET READY GET READY GET READY!
Just thought I would leave you a "quick" note to let you know that I LOVE how you are documenting everything! Yes, I know I am biased, but I really enjoy reading each entry (you are such a creative & entertaining writer :-). Even though we are going through all of these things together, reading about it puts things into perspective and forces me to really reflect on what's happening. All I can say is - God is good! What an AMAZING part of life we are experiencing right now!!
On another note . . . have I told you lately that you are going to be a wonderful father?! I already know that simply based upon how wonderful of a husband you are! Thanks for all of your unconditional love and support. I could not have survived the last 8 months without you! Love you, babe! We're almost there!
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