But for the record, I should point out that I soundly and decisively lost that debate in our house last week. It also didn't help that she got about a dozen cards for mothers day... none of which came from her darling husband. Somebody could have told me.
Just about every other woman I know would've gotten bent out of shape with that one, but we're thankfully secure enough in our marriage that we were just able to joke about it. It also helps that we're already pretty indifferent when it comes to all the other commercialised "holidays" on the calendar... but I'll still admit that I dropped the ball on this one. In the end, I got off easy with just having to feed her twice on Sunday (lunch and dinner), and provide a handful of new maternity clothes. For some reason, she did still ask me to sleep on the couch last night... and tonight... and I think just a few more days... but I'm sure that has nothing to do with the Mothers Day thing.
I think.

But anyway, we did have fun this past weekend. After the 3 hour breastfeeding class (I can write a book on that all by itself... ) we fought the urge to go home and sleep, and instead we managed to furnish the entire nursery in a day... all for less than $120!!!... Exactly how we pulled that one off could also be another journal entry all by itself, but alas I can't ramble forever.
Of course there's no written rule that the baby's room has to be decorated before the shower rolls around (baby shower #2 is this Sunday) but since this one is at our house, it has still

And in everything that we've done so far during the pregnancy, I think that this weekend's furniture expedition might have been the one thing that has made the whole pregnancy the most *real* to us. Between buying and assembling the furniture, as we rearrange the house and start to make tangible provisions (i.e., physically rearranging our own lives) for this new life, I think the permanence of what is about to happen is finally starting to sink in just a little bit deeper than before.
Of course it could just be the fact that we are only a minuscule SIX WEEKS away from the ultimate life changing experience... but then there still seemed to be something incredibly special about assembling the baby's furniture today. It sparked a connection that I think I lacked until now. It's like wow... we obviously knew this was for real (V's stomach is kind of hard to miss, and the hardships that she has endured for eight months have been very real)... but, now it's not just "for real"... it's "for real for real". Kind of like when you were in 5th grade and you had someone check that box on a sheet of paper to say if they just *liked you*... or if they *liked you liked you*... There's a distinct difference when you say it twice; but you just can't put it into words.
Wow. We're about to be parents. That's crazy.

Yes it's for real for real. WE are about to become Parents! Ok I know I know, you are about to become parents. I'm just the grand mama.
Start looking for a place for us to stay and let me know how much. V looks so beautiful. I think we'll do this again.
V - you look fantastic!!!! We are so excited for you & J (and Karate Kid).
- Annette from G'ville.
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