Justin's "nite nite time" used to be as predictable as clockwork, from 8:00pm to 6:30am without fail. But as 8:00 has drifted to 8:30, I've been having to wake him up in the morning so that he could still see mommy off to work, bathe, eat, and get dressed in time to make it to "school" at a reasonable hour. The only side effect of this is that he is a little more cranky when I have to wake him versus when we let him wake on his own... and so V and I are now considering sliding his bedtime back down to 8pm over the next few days. The only disadvantage would be that sliding it back would cut down on the already limited amount of wake-time we get with him on weekdays as working parents [but I can't lie... there are some days when 8:30 cannot come fast enough for either of us!]. But it's either that, or I continue to get the big-lip-treatment in the morning for starting his day prematurely.
But in the meantime... have you ever seen such a hardcore pout on a 10-month old?
I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this photo! Justin really doesn't like you messing with his sleep! Hilarious as well as cute! -Tamara
Hey J,
Is that your bottom lip I see? Watch out! The mumbling under the breath comes next. Although I have to admit, he sure is starting out a wee bit early. Can you say pay-back, class?
Thanks Tamara. Yep, he can be pretty funky in the morning without his beauty sleep. We actually got him to bed by 8 last night, and he still tried to sleep past 7 this morning. But at least tomorrow is Saturday. He'll get to sleep in some.
And Grandma... I have no idea what you're talking about (mumbling? payback?...). I was an angel as a child! Don't you remember?
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