We've now been a family of 3 for an entire year, as Justin Alexander hit the one-year mark yesterday. Mom has a birthday party planned for him this weekend, but of course we did our fair share of celebrating as a threesome in the meantime. The big question was whether or not he knew it was his birthday... to which I'd ordinarily guess "no, not a chance"... but the way he was running around like a mad man and making noise all day yesterday, you had to think he knew that something was special about June 24.
As for milestones, at 12 months old Justin Alexander...
As for milestones, at 12 months old Justin Alexander...
- sprouted 2 teeth about 3 weeks ago; and he was sure to show them off in his birthday photos.
- went cold turkey on his baby bottles and became a full-fledged sippy cup man somewhere between 10 and 11 months (I forgot to mention this one during the last update).
- still sleeps a steady 11 to 12 hours a night with his bedtime anywhere between 7:45 and 8:45... but his daytime naps remain a little more sporadic and seem to be shrinking in length and number (I'd say two a day for a total of about 2 1/2 hours may be the norm).
- has abandoned his wobbly walking days, and he's now trying to sprint back and forth from point A to B... a necessary rite of passage, but certainly scary to watch at times.
- is 29.5 inches tall, and apparently has his parents' metabolism as he has yet to break past that 20-pound barrier. In fact, he possibly took a step backwards as his doctor put his official birthday weight at 19 pounds yesterday (yes.. we took him to get 3 shots and a finger prick on his birthday yesterday... what awful parents). That puts him in the single-digit percentiles in weight... but a quick reminder of who his parents are confirms the doctor's lack of concern. In fact, if you think about it his weight should be no surprise at all since V doesn't look like she broke the 30 pound mark until she was 3 years old and I didn't top 30 pounds until I was in the 10th grade or something like that. Simply put, I guess skinny kids produce skinny kids.
- is split about fifty-fifty these days between his table food and baby food, but he is becoming more lopsided toward the table food side everyday. Last night he had sloppy joes and french fries for dinner... but hey it was his birthday. We'll make sure he gets his fair share of broccoli today.
- And last but not least, he doesn't know how to point. This is more so an inside joke between me and V, but I had to include it here for the sake of remembrance. It was something the doctor talked about yesterday that we're apparently supposed to be working on when we read to him (wait... we're supposed to be reading to him?). So alas, as always, there's work to be done.

Anyway... Happy Birthday Justin Alexander!
Looks like two little chompers at the bottom! Too cute!!
J, V and Baby (not so much anymore!) Justin, what a beautiful family of three! J, thanks again for keeping all of us posted on Justin's growth and development. I don't think I've ever seen a happier child! It's hard to believe he's already one. I'm sure as parents the time flies by, but you all have done an awesome job capturing every moment. He'll really appreciate that one day (until you threaten to blackmail him with them...:-) Love you all and continue to be blessed and joyful!
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