Sometimes the stages our children go through in life are dictated by careful planning, thoughtful deliberation, patience, and a discerning heart & mind. And other times... they're dictated by a great price on craigslist. Ever since the news of pregnancy #2 I've had my eye on the classifieds for a toddler bed; and lo and behold two days ago, voila! Toddler bed. Light oak. Lightly used. 25 dollars. Needless to say I was all over it, and 24 hours later the stage was set for Justin's official transition into big boy world.

Truth be told, mommy wasn't exactly thrilled about (and I quote) "the whole toddler bed thing." I don't think she was psychologically ready for "her baby" to leave the crib yet. But she was quick to come around (it helped that the bed was in the house, assembled, and in his room before she had time to mount a revolt). And so we reassembled the bed today, pushed it up against the crib to give him a sense of familiarity... and it took all of about an hour before Justin was ready to test it out.

He climbed in and passed out for his mid-morning nap
as if he'd been sleeping in it all his life.

Rotated and tucked in for comfort
Without much thought, we figured we'd keep the experiment going tonight and see how he does for his first nighttime sleep in his bed. We rearranged the room and tucked the bed in the corner so that the walls could provide a little more protection for our wild sleeper, put him down for the night as usual, and now will simply have to wait and see what happens between now and morning. Already as I write this, I've had to revisit his room once to find him awake, out of the bed, and looking for a little help finding his way back to sleep (oversight #1: he might need a night light now). Once I scooped him up, he went back to sleep in a heartbeat, and overall I'm starting to think that this transition is going to be a lot smoother than we could have imagined.

Overall, I have to say that it was fun to watch him climb in and out of the bed on his own. And I also have to admit that it was much weirder than I expected to put him in a bed rather than in a crib... but it was still one of those mini-milestones that will go down as a proud moment. Our boy is only 14 months (and 2 weeks) old... but already we've got a pretty good dose of what people mean when they say that kids simply grow up way too quickly.
Where does the time go?
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