According to babycenter.com, here are this week's big developments: "Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb!" (...which pretty much sounds like Justin to me, but anyway...) In other news: Our baby #2 is stretching out. From head to bottom, (s)he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and weighs 1 1/2 ounces.

As for mom and whether she is showing yet, had you asked me just 3 days ago, I would have say "yes, but not so much"... but a funny thing happened about 2 days ago. I promise, it was like she skipped about 10 weeks of pregnancy in 2 days. On Sunday she was still flying under the radar, looking "kinda maybe pregnant"... but by Monday evening she was bursting at the seams in the same shirt that fit just fine 48 hours ago. Craziest thing I've ever seen. But other than that, everything is still sunshine. Next week is the next doctor's appointment, and from there we'll be just a stone's throw away from getting our first ultrasound (I still can't believe we had to wait this long for the first snapshot... with Justin, we probably had a dozen ultrasounds by now... but then again maybe that's why he's such a ham). Stay tuned.

Great choice in colors Justin. Orange looks good on you.
Yep, the Clemson gear you guys bought him has worked out nicely... especially at bedtime because every time I remind him that the paw on his jacket is for Clemson Tigers and not Morehouse Tigers he cries himself to sleep [gotcha!].
Oh, and by the way.. how bout dem Yellow Jackets :o)
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