Justin climbed threw himself out of his crib today. Yep. I kid you not. And the irony is that I just told V exactly 2 days ago that I was getting a little concerned (which is daddy talk for I'm worried) about the prospect of
him stacking blankets in an attempt to gain height and leap the wall of this crib. Well, after 16 months, 10 days, and 9 hours of life (i.e, this morning around 7 am) Justin decided to test his limits and essentially launched himself over the edge of his (no longer) safe haven and onto our not-so-cushiony berber carpet. Sitting in my downstairs office space, I heard something crash to the floor in the room above me and knew immediately what it was.

And sure enough I got upstairs and there he was standing next to his toddler bed with tears that obviously from shock and confusion rather than pain. That was at 7:17 am. And by 7:21 he had passed my no-breaks inspection was in front of the television downstairs with a sippy cup; already reverted back to couch potato status and apparently with no memory of his olympic performance just minutes ago. Incredible.
And as much as I joked about it all day... trust me, I'm well aware of the extent to which we dodged the potential of a very serious injury... especially since I'm convinced that he went over head first. And I have yet to figure out how he could have landed and ended up totally unscathed and back on his feet so quickly. With not a single mark, let alone a scratch, bruise or broken bone. So needless to say that his crib days are officially over. While the convenience of the crib was too much to prevent us from switching back and forth from crib to toddler bed, this episode was certainly enough to warrant the immediate and permanent switch to the big-boy furniture. And with that, the crib will now lay dormant until another certain bundle of joy is ready to take residence in April of '09.
So, long story short... God is good!
And Justin Alexander is Absolutely Crazy.

Why the amazement? Did you forget he watched his uncle stab a screwdriver in his hand one minute and pulled it out the next. He is part Ruiz!
You know what... I totally forgot about that. That was gruesome. You're a sick man. No more babysitting for you, my friend. And for the record, stabbing yourself with a screwdriver is one thing... putting a screwdriver THROUGH your hand is a whole different story.
... Did I mention that you're a sick man?
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