In other toddler milestones, according to BabyCenter.com, our 17 month old should be... becoming much easier to understand now that she often combines pointing with a word or two... and able to undress herself (dressing herself will come much later), brush her teeth without your help, and feed her dolly. She can (also) sort things by color, shape, and type, which makes toys that encourage sorting particularly popular now. If "no" hasn't already become her favorite word, she'll begin using it with a vengeance. She's gradually easing toward one nap each day, which means this is a transition period that's potentially hard on both of you.
Well, 3 outta 7 ain't bad. In fact, in baseball that'll make you a superstar. In no particular order, here's a breakdown of each milestone mentioned on their website this month:
(1) While he is extremely helpful during the dressing / undressing process, he is not yet "able to undress himself"... but we have finally made the switch from dressing him laying down to standing up, so maybe that will encourage more participation. (2) He's also not "feeding his dolly" because I won't let him have one. But he does feed himself full-time... usually starting with a fork (if the food will stick, like mashed potatoes) but he will resort to his fingers when the fork is not fast enough (i.e., all the time). (3) As for brushing his teeth, he has had a love affair with the process for about 6 months already, and now has his own toothbrush. Now if only we can get him to actually brush this teeth and not just his tongue while sucking the toothpaste off. (4) And he's doing pretty good at sorting shapes and colors thanks to his shape cubes and building blocks.
(5) Catching Z's
His sleep patterns have been the same for what seems like forever now. We've tweaked his bedtime here and there (it' now down to about 7:30 pm) but he's still holding steady at about 11 hours of nighttime sleep... But of course as I write this, he is bucking the trend and has been asleep for 12 hours now. As for a nap, he has been consistent with a single 1.5 hour post-lunch nap for about 4 months now, and equally consistent with his wake-up process: wake up / stare at the ceiling / tell a few jokes / crack up until we come get him.
(6) Babytalk
I'd agree that he is pointing more, becoming more expressive, and repeating things we say; but "more easy to understand" might be a stretch. There are a few words that are clear as a bell, but for the others you will definitely need context to figure them out. For example, he will say "salud" (or "bless you"... depending on who you ask) when someone sneezes, and "amen" after grace... but it probably all sounds like "nahnah" to someone that's not his parents.
(7) No Way Jose
(7) No Way Jose
While he is not saying "no" yet as they suggest, it's worth mentioning that his temperamental responses to the word "no" have disappeared over time, and probably have been gone for a number of months now. At 12 months, he would throw things (and if he didn't have something to throw, he'd go find something... pick it up... then throw it) when told "no". But now he'll just stop what he's doing without a fuss and move on to the next thing. In short, it's nice to see him grow out of those temper flares before the fabled terrible twos roll around. They were a little too reminiscent his daddy's turbulent years of elementary / junior high school, and I can do without the flashbacks (...is this Cynthia Reyes? Yes, your son has been suspended... again... This time he threw [fill in the blank] at [fill in the blank] and hit him in the head with it... Please come get him... Now.)
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