As for milestones, Jasmine Olivia...
• Loves to grab and play with her feet... and apparently holds the world record for the number of fingers she can put in her mouth at the same time (I think she's up to 9). Her hands have definitely become her favorite snack over the past few weeks... and with the amount of drool that she delivers, bibs are no longer optional accessories around these parts; they are a way of life.
• Has gone from moving backward to moving forward in the walker. Her motor skills still have a long ways to go, but it's definitely still fun to watch her scoot back and forth... sometimes intentionally and sometimes not.

• Has the biggest cheesy grin since pre-teeth Justin. You don't have to say anything to make her flash her Ronald McDonald smile... just make eye contact with her for 5 seconds or more and she gets all slaphappy and delirious. It's hilarious.
• Started laughing consistently a week or two ago. Make a funny noise, or tickle her tummy and she'll chuckle for you.
• Has mastered her grabbing skills, and has nothing short of a monster grip.
• Just that quickly, is starting to outgrow her nickname "Frazzle", as she doesn't scare nearly as easily as she did just 10 days ago (incredible how quickly things change)...

• Is starting to make conclusions. For example, Babycenter.com mentions that, "by now, most babies are quite fond of doing one action over and over again until they are sure of the result. Then, they'll switch things up just a bit to see if the result is different." We see this a lot with Jasmine these days. Whether it's kicking a toy, or pressing a button, or spinning a rattle, etc.; it's fun to watch her make her assessments of the world around her and seemingly take note of what everything does.
• Has thrown her eat / sleep schedule out the window since we've returned from our summer travels (case in point... she woke up today at 7:40am... it is 1pm as I write this revision, and she has slept for 20 minutes so far today). She is now staying awake much longer in the daytime and had recently reverted back to an every-3-hours feeding schedule during the night hours, with no detectible pattern for how long she'd sleep or how much she'd eat during the day. So once again, sleep became a rarefied thing for us. Luckily after a week of midnight binges, things are starting to fall back into place now. Her sleep window is starting to look like 9pm - 7am again, and we're back down to one sleepy feeding during that window... just in time for Daddy to regain his sleep &

• Seems to redouble her daytime activity every three days. In short, the girl is just plain ol' hyper when she wants to be. Yesterday it was like she was on an exercise circuit: 35 minutes of high impact aerobics on the activity mat, 35 minutes of punching bag activity in the bouncer, 20 minutes of squats and screams in the walker, and a 15 minute cool down period in the swing. It's so easy to forget that just a few weeks ago she was content to lay someplace and stare at the ceiling. Now she kicks, rolls, talks and grabs anything and everything in sight.
• Has done well to avoid being in a roll-over video... even though Daddy has tried... and tried... and tried. Attempt 1: she rolled over 3 times in a row, but refused to do it again once the camera was rolling. Then did it 3 times more in the 20 seconds after I pressed pause. Nice. Attempt 2: Rolled over. Daddy went to put her on her stomach again so that she could do it for the camera... but then she rolled over so quickly that I didn't even have time to back up and press record. By the time I looked in the viewfinder, she was already on her back again. Laughing

• (Unless she is really hungry...) is almost impossible to feed with Justin in the room. For their 4 month update, Babycenter.com mentions, "Your baby is easily distracted now, and feedings can become frustrating as she stops to watch a sibling or respond to an outside noise." I guess "easily distracted" is the nice way to say it... but I just call it nosey! She can't stand to miss anything, and will fight and fuss until you turn her towards the action... which might be the television... but is usually whatever ruckus her brother is making on the other side of the room. In all, it has made trying to feed her in the daytime pretty frustrating at times... but in the end, as long as she's still growing, I guess we're good to go.
In other news, we learned in SC that she is very selective about who holds her (Babycenter mentions this a being normal around this age). This quality couldn't be more polar opposite from her brother at the same age... even though, at two years old, his separation anxiety has finally crept in as well... but that's a different topic for a different day... As for Jasmine, she has already hurt a lot of feelings with her "don't pass me to that person!" holler over the past 2 weeks... Which Daddy doesn't mind, as I hope it translates into intense selectiveness when it's time to choose a boyfriend 25 years from now :o) Picky Picky Picky.

1 comment:
OMG I love her! She is sooo beautiful.I can't wait to see her again. I hope I'm one of the people that she will let hold her. Other wise, I think we will both be crying.
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