Jasmine Olivia had her 4 month checkup yesterday
(4 months and 9 days, to be exact). Her new weight / length / head measurements came

in at the 40 / 75 / 30th percentiles
(weight was 12 pounds, 13 ounces, btw); and overall she got two more shots and a clean bill of health. As for milestones, she's rolling over in both directions now and has surprisingly gained full control of her walker. Of course, once I pulled out the video camera, she only wanted to do
donuts in the kitchen... but ordinarily she'll follow you around the house, running over toes and clipping ankles at her leisure. Also, if there was a market for drool, we'd be rich since she also has turned into a mean, lean, drooling machine over the past few weeks. Last but not least, she has traded her hands for her feet in the snack department, loves to laugh
(check out the end of the doindonuts video), and will soon get her first crack at rice cereal in hopes that the switcharoo will get her eating and sleeping routines back on track.

Those donuts are hysterical!!! love it!!!
I should add that, in terms of navigating with the walker, she's got Justin beat by about 2 months. OTOH, she *is* taller than he was at 4 months and her walker is closer to the ground. Yet and still babygirl gets around pretty good for 4 months. I won't be surprised if crawling is right around the corner. I guess she's gotta do what she can to keep up with her bro.
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