It has been 6 weeks since I started my new full-time job as a Stay-At-Home-Mom and you'll be happy to know that the kids did not tie me up in the attic {yet}. It has definitely been an interesting adjustment for all of us, but I think we've finally gotten into a comfortable groove.
I guess one of the biggest tradeoffs of having children so close together is that you are unable to truly enjoy the milestones as they occur with each

child. Justin and Jasmine are accomplishing milestones like crazy, but by the time we've praised one milestone of Justin's, it becomes a distant memory because Jasmine is doing something new too a few minutes later. So, there are less pictures, less videos and less time to capture it all because they've moved on more quickly than we could document. One of the greatest benefits on the other hand is that you get to watch and foster a wonderful bond between a brother and sister who are inseparable by default and hope those bonds will continue into adulthood. Jerome and I have definitely had our sad moments when we realize that Justin is growing so quickly and we don't have the opportunity anymore to dote on him like we used to. Hopefully, he has been affirmed enough up until now to still feel the immense amount of love we have and to also help us shower that same love on Jasmine.
More to come.
I checked the browser history... Justin was googling, "How to deal with a stay-at-home mom."
Wow V, you are giving J a run for his money as far as blogging content. Very well written, enlightening and amusing. I'm impressed!I'm so happy you are enjoying your new role in life. I miss talking to you but I know your day is full. Can't wait to see the grands. I miss you all soooo much. Hoping to pay a visit real soon.
LOL! V, what a blessing. I know you are doing great. - Phyllis
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