At 10 months and a day, Jasmine Olivia threw her efforts to walk into full gear... and hasn't turned back. Now that her confidence has kicked in, it's amazing to see how much more stable she has gotten in just a week's time. But luckily we did manage to get those first few wobbly attempts on video. Here's a snippet.
With V still breast-feeding, the joke around the house last week was that when Jasmine became grown enough to get up and walk away from the breast-feeding session by herself (peace out mom... see you later) then it would be time to call it quits. Well... Jasmine must've heard us and figured this was her fastest way to table food (which she craves like I've never seen). Move over Justin. You've got company coming at the toddler dinner table. Time to start buying some formula!
Oh By The Way
In other news, she is up to two teeth now; with the second bottom tooth finally breaking through the surface. She's also defying all the baby laws of napping as she does everything in her power to only sleep when Justin sleeps; even though his one short nap a day is far from the 2 or three naps that she probably should be taking. And I don't know if "da da" constitutes a word, but she's been serenading
us with that one for (I guess) a couple of months now... though she's also good at repeating just about any sound you make.

As for other tidbits... she still likes to smack everyone around... still heavy handed... as demanding as a 10 month old can be... is doing better away from mom and dad... climbs up and onto things that should be way too high... and has somehow figured out how to turn around to go down stairs without being taught. This last point is probably the most impressive to me because I cannot count on my fingers nor toes the amount of times that Justin had to fall face first before realizing, "hey... maybe there's a different way." But his sister approached the stair the first time... paused... looked at it... evidently thought about it... and proceeded to throw it in reverse to get down. Since it was never modeled, I have no clue how she knew (Lord knows we worked on that forever with her brother). Maybe there's something to that "girls are smarter than boys" thing after all. Or maybe Justin taught her on the sneak. Since I'm not ready to concede being of lesser intelligence, I'm going with option 2.