The earth went 'round, and just like that it was time to celebrate V's birthday again. She started the day early with Sisters in The Spirit (a women's bible study @ church) and capped it off with Sushi, ice skating, Avatar IMAX 3-D, strawberry cake, and an 88-key piano keyboard as a gift. Congratulations on another trip around the sun, my love. I hope you enjoyed your special day.

No way I'm leaving this wall.


Showboat Time. Actually, don't be fooled. I ice-skate
no better than I roller-skate. I just don't mind the fall.

A preview of her April celebration.

Happy Birthday, V! Looks like you had a great time!
Wow V and J! That looks like so much fun! I love to watch figure skating, and you all make it look easy...I'm still too scared to give it a try right now though. :-) Thanks for posting the pics of your beautiful family, J. And V, I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
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