Happy Spring 2010! And with jam-packed parks, free italian ices, and a high of 77 degrees; spring certainly started with a bang this year. Just 3 days ago Jasmine also turned 11 months old. Wow... we'll all be a year older since she was born. Seems like yesterday.
Speaking of yesterday, here are a few milestone updates for both of our toddlers; coupled with some photos from yesterday's visit to the botanical garden.
Jazzy Stones XIII
While she won't be in anybody's marathon anytime soon, I guess what Jasmine Olivia does now can be considered running. Or maybe it's a speed walk. Either way, she hustles; intent not to be left behind by anybody changing direction or location too quickly. It's funny how quickly we leave stages behind, because it has only been a few weeks (3 or 4?) since she was crawling and now I can't even picture her doing it [it would definitely look strange].
As I mentioned last time, she also left the breast-milk behind when she started walking; and so mommy officially has about 4 hours of her day back since the pumping and feeding sessions are a thing of the past. She (Jasmine, not mommy) is also about 50 / 50 with jar food and table food; but given that we're low on jar food at the moment I've got a feeling that the switch to all table food isn't too far away.

At some point over the past two months, she learned to wave goodbye, blow kisses (which she does with a very emphatic "mwah"), and go to sleep without crying (finally!). She also loves to climb, has made it 1/2 way up the stairs at least twice (a liberty that Justin never even came close to having), and shakes her head "no" to mimic you when reprimanded. Also, her speech is uncanny. It's funny because I remember writing about how non-commutative she was early on... and just like that she seems to have caught up to (if not passed) where Justin was at 11 months. It's not that she'll say much that's intelligible on her own (dada, justin, and ut-oh are pretty much it)... but her ability to repeat what you say (and to do so clearly) still makes me say wow every time. Even before Justin was born, I was warned about the differences between speech development between boys and girls; but it's still amusing to see it for myself.
As a funny testament to how different our two toddlers are, if you call Justin over to be reprimanded he will sheepishly drop what he's doing and come to accept his punishment. His sister on the other hand will run away from you in a heartbeat with the biggest grin on her face while you're yelling the whole time, telling her to "get over here." I've got a feeling that Justin is going to be framed for a lot of crimes in the 10 years to come.
As much as they love each other, Justin and Jasmine have also already engaged in the perils of sibling rivalry (which is a nice way to say they fight a lot). It's funny to see the two of them going back and forth, slapping each others arms, hands and wrists; her grunting and screaming and him hollering "no jasmine, it's mine!"... Wow. Sibling rivalry gets off to a head start, I suppose. And I won't say who the biggest bully is but I will say that one of them is certainly more stubborn that the other about getting her their way. While we can honestly say that there hasn't been anything particular terrible about the infamous twos for Justin... I only hope that we are so lucky when we go through the sequel.
As for Justin... (to be continued)

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