I started back to work a couple of weeks ago, which is never a fun transition from summer vacation. However, I think things are starting to settle down a bit with my schedule. By next week, I should be fully adjusted to my new schedule and the norms of going back and forth to work, grading papers, prepping for class, etc. As for other haps in the past two weeks, V also started back at TCC this semester, marking her third semester teaching there (1 class in the Spring, 1 in the summer). LIke last semester, her class is online, which continues to work great with respect to the flexibility it lends her as a stay-at-home mom. And speaking of home, as a family, we've been through more back and forth over the past 2 weeks in terms of moving than I care to talk about (moving... not moving... renting... not renting... wait... renting again... no... not renting.... oh, wait... pack your bags, we're... nevermind). But the bottom line is that we're still here, we've moved on the plan AAA57 as V calls it (because that's how far we are from plans A, B, C, etc.) and everybody is still enjoying life.
As for the kids, I know I owe them both milestone updates, so hopefully those will come soon. But a couple of quick highlights: Jasmine Olivia still has 8 teeth, and her hair seems to have grown 2 inches in about 5 days. Her vocabulary and understanding also seem to have taken a pretty big leap over the past 2 weeks. Personally, I'm still amazed at how clearly she speaks (I felt like we spent forever trying to decipher Justin's lingo). She doesn't know how to say a ton of words, but the two dozen that she does know are clear as a bell. Her two new words for this week that come to mind are "luz" and "jabon". As for my favorite phrases, those are definitely "gracias" (I think she says that better than I do), "sesame street", and "that's justin".
Justin Alexander has picked up German as his third language... Just kidding. But in truth, he does start organized soccer practice next week. He's had a soccer ball since forever, but didn't really get into the swing of things until we bought him the goal (it's like the ball had no true purpose before then). We've been playing a lot at home, and I think it's safe to say that he won't be the kid at the first practice that picks up the soccer ball and tries to run home with it (because there's always one, isn't there?). Otherwise, Justin is Justin (i.e., Mr. Comedian). Not much has changed.

Did you see that Sesame Street is coming in October at ODU again? Don't think I'll be getting free tickets this time, but would you guys like to join us?
We'd love to join you. We'll be in touch to finalize the details. Thanks for thinking of us, Charlette.
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