Maybe it has something to do with me being an only child. I can't say that I ever thought much about having a brother or sister while growing up. But maybe the fact that I didn't have that experience is what allows me to romanticize about how fulfilling the bond can be (in theory at least) between siblings... So with that, V and I have been discussing the prospect of Jasmine Olivia and Justin Alexander sharing a room for as long as I can remember. We haven't done any reading on it (surprise surprise) but given the obvious difference in gender we're figuring that our window of opportunity is small. At some point they'll need separate rooms... but for as long as we can, we kinda felt like we wanted to do all we could to foster a great relationship between the two of them... and sharing a room just seems like a natural part of that.
With the prospect of us moving to a new house fading but still looming, we've done a lot of reconfiguring lately; figuring we'd downsize our belongings whether we moved or not. So gone is the upstairs office furniture, as we try to get a feel for what 3 bedrooms would feel like... (and doing so has reminded us that we have a lot more space than we need... which is a story for a whole different blog entry)... and gone is about 25% of the clutter, and reorganized is the other 75% of the house (ok... 65%... we still have about 10% to go). With all of that changing and rearranging, V figured it was finally time to pull the trigger on the room sharing experiment. And so whammo; I came home from work to find a new double-occupancy kid room and a newly badged playroom (i.e., Justin's old room which now houses every toy in the house). V and I are both digging the idea of a playroom and the logistics that it brings. For one, toys are (mostly) off limits in the rest of the house... which equates to a whole lot less cleaning up since they only have one room to demolish. We're also hoping that it lessens their need to follow us around the house and play in our shadows, given that they have a centralized place of their own to hang out with their belongings... We'll see.
As tonight is the first night of our latest crazy experiment; I am happy to report that both of our wild and crazy bunk mates read, played, and fell asleep without a hitch. So the transition (at least for now) seems like a success.... but then again... the night is still young. And the moon is full. (*)
Anything can happen.
[okay... so the moon is not really full tonight... but it sounded good]
Great NEW LOOK!!! Love 2 read your updates they R just plain inspiring.
Thanks, Ms. Dianne. After 4 years with the same format, I thought it was time for a facelift. Glad you like it.
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