Random thoughts about the move...
1. According to her, V hates moving, but I love it. There's nothing like a fresh start. It forces you to reevaluate your physical (and mental) inventory and abandon your comfort zone for the potential of progress. Change. Love it.
3. Say what you want about stereotypes, but as a landlord how can you not love the section 8 program?! Under what other program can your tenant flat out lose their job and your rental payments not skip a beat. Love it. Love it. Love it.
4. It's kinda sad to think that the kids probably won't remember our house here in Norfolk despite it being where we lived when they were born and where they spent their first few years (I certainly have zero memory of my first domicile)... But then, this digital age is so rich with technology that maybe they won't forget as much as I think they will. Given all the photos and videos that they've logged here, Justin has already seen more photos of himself on the internet than I've seen of myself in my entire life. We live in a totally different era.
5. It's going to take a lot of discipline not to invest too much (if any) money into someone else's property in the name of trying to make "our house" the way we like it. We're gonna have to focus on them long term goals. Constantly.
6. If you thought we were frugal before, then you just wait. We'z about to get super frugalistic on that behind as we do what we can to save up for our next home... wherever and whenever that may be... because we sure aren't trying to rent forever. I would put a time limit on it (2 years sounds like a nice number) but I ain't stupid. We were supposed to be out of this house 4 years and 2 kids ago. Go figure.

7. Having a refrigerator flush with the wall seems like a super cool idea until you realize... now where are we going to put all of these magnetic toys and to-do lists? I'm way too OCD to have all of that stuff plastered on the front of the fridge. We'll figure something out.
8. And last but not least, what's a new house without some new big boy toys. Meet my new friend John Deere. Forget about the fact that I don't even know how to turn it on yet. I'm so excited that I don't know what to do with myself. Never been so excited about watching the grass grow. Is it springtime yet?
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