Jazzy Stones XX (20 months, 6 days)
The funny part is, I'm not sure if we can legitimately call it potty training since Jasmine Olivia never actually used a potty (not for more than a week or so anyway). She went straight to the real toilet, which we should've seen coming.... the girl is simply too grown for her own good. Anyhow, back to the point: she's been in panties for about 3 weeks. We pretty much knew it was a done deal when she got out of her bed in the middle of the night to let us know that she had to go. In addition to that, she had started waking up dry more often than not. However we still opted to play it safe; switching to pull-ups for naps and nighttime. But last week she made the final transition to a 24-hour big girl; and with the exception of the mommy jinx* (which is almost as good as the daddy blog jinx) she's been accident free for at least a week. Go ahead and save those diapers for the baby dolls, Jasmine. You go girl.

*mommy jinx = when mommy proclaims out loud, "Wow Jasmine hasn't had an accident in over A WEEK"... and Jasmine proceeds to have 3 accidents in about 2 hours. Since then though, she's been back to Mojave status.
In other news, after taking a few months off, her gums are back in business. She's got 2 more teeth coming in (the two just behind the upper canines) which once fully in will bring her total count to 10. Other than that, she's doing great. Unbeknownst to me, she has slowly started picking up the numbers 1 to 10. I asked Justin to count something today, and Jasmine chimed in before he could... counting up to 10 with about 2 mistakes along the way. That amazed me since she unfortunately doesn't get nearly the amount of instruction time that Justin got at her age. I'm so excited that she's still picking this stuff up on her own. She's also slowly sorting through the alphabet... which we sang to Justin every day on the way to childcare back in the day... and seemingly only about 3 times to Jasmine in her entire life (okay, not quite, but it seems that way sometimes... you want to talk about feeling like a bad parent? Who's got time for the alphabet song? We're too busy trying to survive)...
She's also still pushing her brother's buttons like a champion. And still growing her ability to communicate at a mile a minute (Don't do that Justin... No, that's mine... I wun go (with) Daddy... Mommy I wun eat... Mommy duerme? Justin duerme? I help you mommy... the door (is) locked now Daddy... Beat down coming [don't ask]... Clean the booboo daddy... the list goes on forever).
Justin Milestones XXVIII ( 3 years, 6 months)
Justin Milestones XXVIII ( 3 years, 6 months)
Speaking of communication... I vividly remember wondering if Justin would ever talk... and now I can vividly describe how it feels to wonder if he'll ever be quiet. That boy can TALK. But more to the point, he's getting halfway decent at spelling, too. NaNa and PopPop learned that the hard way, when about a month ago they tried to "code spell" one of the few words that he happens to know. They were at a fast food joint when NaNa asked PopPop what should they do with the T-O-Y that came with the meal... to which Justin prompted suggested that he should have the toy (and just to be clear he spelled it in the air for them with his finger... I'll take the toy... T-O-Y... thanks)... I wish I was there to take a picture of their expressions. Would've been classic. Anyhow, he's also got boy, joy, mat, cat, hat, the, stop, obviously his name, and a few other words... and is doing pretty good with figuring out how to spell things based on the sounds that each letter makes. Now we've just gotta keep finding time in the day to develop all of these newfound skills.
Lastly, he also made his first dentist appointment (as a patient... he came one time previously just to check it out). An easy breezy good time. We can only cross our fingers to hope that Jasmine will be just the same... but if she takes to the dentist like they both take to needles at the doctor (these kids will literally cry for spilt milk at home, but won't shed a tear for a 2-inch needle)... then I've got a feeling that we'll be good to go.

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