Mommy & the crew

@ the doctor's office
Nausea, migraines, and fatigue... oh joy. We're almost out of the woods, though. The first trimester is quickly coming to a close. Evidently, every pregnancy goes by about 3 times faster than the last one. I'm guessing that has more to do with our preoccupation with the 2 kids already here than anything else. If Justin & Jasmine don't know anything else, they know how to keep us busy. As for the baby, according to babycenter.com, it's the size of a lime... but already has the heartbeat of a lion (see audio clip). Just as it always does, hearing the baby just made everything 10 times "more real" for us. With V not showing yet (and with zero weight gain so far) it's easy to forget from one moment to the next that we'll be asking for a table of 5 by the end of the year (cRaZy! we just upped our wait time at any restaurant by 15 to 20 minutes). But once you hear that heartbeat, it's like... wow... this is really happening. And it becomes exciting all over again.
Two other things to say about this audio clip...
1. Jasmine was pulling up her shirt because she wanted the doctor to check out the heartbeat in her belly, too. Slow down, Jasmine. It'll be a while.
2. Justin took the picture that accompanies the audio clip. My first reaction when I realized that he snuck in a press of the shutter button was to knock him upside the head... and then I glanced at the photo and thought, hey... that ain't too shabby. I also forgot to give him his props on the last entry. He took the picture of V and I on her birthday, too... He didn't do much to compose it, but he's the one that squeezed the shutter button. That obviously makes me proud for no good reason. It was certainly nothing more than two lucky clicks of the finger... but I still can't wait to get him his own camera for his birthday this year. The boy might need his own blog by then. Showboat.