Okay, so I picked the windiest day in Hampton Roads' history to try to take some backyard pictures of the kids. With 30 mph gusts, we lasted no more than 3 minutes outside
(probably closer to 2) before we had to call it quits. There were a couple of wind gusts that I just knew were going to blow Justin and Jasmine down the block. The funny part was, neither one of them knew what to make of the wind either. Justin sounded like a confused scientist, constantly telling me, "It's hot...
and it's cold"
(referring to how sunny it was... but yet how brutal the wind was at the same time)... and Jasmine just kept saying "
I need a hat, daddy!"... over and over again... which I'm guessing was code for, "you're not
really keeping us out here for pictures, are you?... I'm freezing... and I'm telling mommy!"
I was just happy to get a few shots in before we headed in. If their demeanors and my schedule permit, we'll try again tomorrow.

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