At her 1-month appointment, Naomi weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and stretched out at 19.75 inches. That equates to the 17th, 3rd, and 30th percentiles for weight, length and head. Seventeenth percentile?! At 4 and 2 years old, I don't think that either one of her siblings ever made it to the 17th percentile. Heck, I think Justin might have broke double digits for the first time this year. Yep... Naomi Janelle... our big fat baby. Only in this household with the 17th percentile earn you that title. Hilarious.
Otherwise, things are going well. She's up to about a 6 hour stretch between meals at night, and so our sleep patterns (and hence lives in general) are starting to stabilize some. She's lifting and turning her head like a champ and also starting to make some occasional cooing sounds. In all, I don't know what's more amazing... watching her development, or thinking about how little we remember from Justin's and Jasmine's infant stages. Simply clueless. Thank God for blog entries. Time to browse the archives.

Otherwise, things are going well. She's up to about a 6 hour stretch between meals at night, and so our sleep patterns (and hence lives in general) are starting to stabilize some. She's lifting and turning her head like a champ and also starting to make some occasional cooing sounds. In all, I don't know what's more amazing... watching her development, or thinking about how little we remember from Justin's and Jasmine's infant stages. Simply clueless. Thank God for blog entries. Time to browse the archives.

That is one beautiful baby. Mom is stunning.
Wow! Naomi sure has changed since we left. She looks so much like Justin. I know she's a girl and all but for real, they could be twins. She also looks just like my brother Daryl when he was born.
OMG She is absolutely adorable. That pic with the smirk is priceless. Love you guys. Congrats on one of the most beautiful families I know. And why not, they're my nephew and nieces. I do think they got a little of their good looks from me. :)
Thanks Anne & NaNa. Now I've gotta figure out which one of Naomi's crazy uncles or aunts left the anonymous comment. I'll have to let Venesa read it and put a little wager on this one.
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