I just chased down the lady who delivers the paper in the morning in order to have "a few friendly words" with her... and next up will be the mailman (mail woman?). Both have decided that it's too much work to walk around to the concrete walkway, and as a result have blazed a serious trail thru my lawn. Anybody who knows me (hmm... what is that, like 3 people?) knows that I put way too much time and effort into my lawn for them to be trampling my grass to death in the name of a shortcut. Oh heck no. Y'all about to walk around. Ain't like you can't use the exercise. Get to stepping... AROUND, to the concrete path you go. Thank you. Have a nice day.
What in the world... and it's like, I KNOW you see the grass dying, Ms. Mail-Delivery-Thru-Your-Lawn. In fact, the crazy part is that you're the one who pointed it out to me months ago, way before it got this bad. Talking about, "oooh look, I'm just making a big ol' path through your grass, ain't I? I guess I should walk around or something"... and 4 months later, my lawn still looks like part of the Appalachian Trail. Man... What in the world?
I'll be alright... after a few deep breaths. Especially if they stop cutting through my lawn. [deep breath] It's ridiculous.

V practices her fighting crane technique in case
I need her to break loose on the mail lady.
I need her to break loose on the mail lady.
In other news, the baby has been incredibly active this week. Just a few days ago, with a hand on V's belly, I felt it move for the first time. We've known that we have an active baby since one of the first ultrasounds, when even the doctor got a kick out of how much the baby just wouldn't stay still. At this point, movement is pretty constant; which seems surprising to be to so early (22/23 weeks). I can only imagine what the next 17 weeks will bring as the baby goes from weighing 1 pound (last week) to tipping the scales at over 7 lbs. If V thinks that the baby is "dancing on her bladder" now, wait until (s)he gets some weight behind those dance moves.
Anyhow, V is back to work today after our (usual?) fair share of dramatic moments this week. She called me at work on Wednesday at about 10am with eight dreadful words: "I need to go to the emergency room". And just like that, any semblance of normality evaporated (...again), and we were off to the races (...again).
As it turns out, all is well. She was experiencing some pretty severe abdominal and (eventually) lower back pain, plus lightheadedness; and of course with the pregnancy nothing is left to chance. So we went to the ob/gyn, then to outpatient for additional tests... and we thought we were done until the pain tripled in intensity, putting her in a wheel chair and making the emergency room the last stop on our hospital tour. But after waiting for about 45 minutes, (there were people there that had already waited anywhere from 3 to 5 hours... man, that's crazy) the prospect of waiting 4 more hours was enough to get her feeling healthy again and ready to go home (5 hours?! I would've been ready to go home, too).
And so I made her stay home from work yesterday. But trying to get her to stay home 2 days in a row simply wasn't happening (the woman loves her job too much). It's all good though since she's now back up to 100%. Of course, the baby was fine through the whole ordeal, and so at least there was no mental stress in that respect. We never did find out what the cause was, but are content to know that it's behind us now.
All of this on the heels of her birthday, for which we went out and truly had a great time sharing dinner and conversation with another married couple that we met at church some months ago, DeVon and Danah (I forgot to take a picture!). The plan was to have the neighbors over the next day for cake, ice cream and a scoop of fellowship, but of course that got put on the back burner with the whole hospital ordeal (which in total lasted about 6 hours on Wednesday).
As for the two properties, there's not a whole lot to report this morning. After securing homeowners insurance for the SC property (Safeco Insurance, $419... can't beat it) I think I may be done with that one until closing time rolls around (Praise God!) One less thing to worry about. Closing is only a mere 12 days away, but I'll take it. Juggling two closing processes has been a beast on the schedule, but now I can focus on just the PA property for a week. The lending agent I'm dealing with there (Bank of America) sent all of my paperwork with the wrong purchase amount (genius!), so we're waiting on a new batch before we get started with the signatures again. On the other end of that deal though, I have to say that it's been helpful that my mom is the selling agent for this property. Since we speak just about everyday anyway, it's been easy to keep track of what needs to be done for her without a whole lot of added stress / people to connect with. Plus it's one less person I've gotta check after, since I know she's got everything under control. (You DO have everything under control... right? :o)
7:07am. Time to get moving for work. Peace out.
Anyhow, V is back to work today after our (usual?) fair share of dramatic moments this week. She called me at work on Wednesday at about 10am with eight dreadful words: "I need to go to the emergency room". And just like that, any semblance of normality evaporated (...again), and we were off to the races (...again).
As it turns out, all is well. She was experiencing some pretty severe abdominal and (eventually) lower back pain, plus lightheadedness; and of course with the pregnancy nothing is left to chance. So we went to the ob/gyn, then to outpatient for additional tests... and we thought we were done until the pain tripled in intensity, putting her in a wheel chair and making the emergency room the last stop on our hospital tour. But after waiting for about 45 minutes, (there were people there that had already waited anywhere from 3 to 5 hours... man, that's crazy) the prospect of waiting 4 more hours was enough to get her feeling healthy again and ready to go home (5 hours?! I would've been ready to go home, too).
And so I made her stay home from work yesterday. But trying to get her to stay home 2 days in a row simply wasn't happening (the woman loves her job too much). It's all good though since she's now back up to 100%. Of course, the baby was fine through the whole ordeal, and so at least there was no mental stress in that respect. We never did find out what the cause was, but are content to know that it's behind us now.

As for the two properties, there's not a whole lot to report this morning. After securing homeowners insurance for the SC property (Safeco Insurance, $419... can't beat it) I think I may be done with that one until closing time rolls around (Praise God!) One less thing to worry about. Closing is only a mere 12 days away, but I'll take it. Juggling two closing processes has been a beast on the schedule, but now I can focus on just the PA property for a week. The lending agent I'm dealing with there (Bank of America) sent all of my paperwork with the wrong purchase amount (genius!), so we're waiting on a new batch before we get started with the signatures again. On the other end of that deal though, I have to say that it's been helpful that my mom is the selling agent for this property. Since we speak just about everyday anyway, it's been easy to keep track of what needs to be done for her without a whole lot of added stress / people to connect with. Plus it's one less person I've gotta check after, since I know she's got everything under control. (You DO have everything under control... right? :o)
7:07am. Time to get moving for work. Peace out.
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