Thursday, August 16, 2007

Baby Steps

The funny part about being first-time parents is that sometimes you don't know what is and isn't a milestone because everything is new to you. But during our trip to SC last weekend, V's family (i.e., the Committee of Veteran Baby Makers) clued us in to a number of things that we were taking for granted with Justin...

For one, we just figured that all infants were able to stand on their own two feet. Granted, he obviously can't balance himself yet, but I'd venture a guess that Justin has been able to stand with some balancing help at least since week 4 or 5, with the time intervals getting longer as his strength improves. I'd say that he can now stand for about 3 minutes at a time, and then decides that it's time to sit (i.e. fall) down... but then no sooner than his butt hits the floor he'll pop right back up.

So... being the ambitious parents that we are (poor child)... last night we decided to see if he had any interest in walking. It was obviously more of a joke than anything else (yes, we know he's 7 weeks) but I've gotta say that he surprised us both.

Funny Stuff!!

Of course we're smart enough to know that he won't really be walking anytime soon... but it was still funny to see.

Tune in 3 weeks from now to see Justin ride a bike.

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