Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Milestones Pt. XVI

Justin is so far removed from the baby he was just a few months ago that at times I'm speechless to even attempt a description of his current milestones. I'm honestly baffled at how far he has come in such a short span of time and was convinced that it was due to all of the traveling we did this summer (so much exposure to new places, people, things, etc.) But V was quick to mention that based on what she has read, in addition to him being a human sponge, this is usually how it is at this stage. Between 12 and 24 months, the progress comes at lighting speed... quick enough to register, but leaving me with no chance to document even a fraction of it. But because I know how much of his first 13 months I've already forgotten (it's amazing how the memories shift to make room for new ones)... I will still take a shot at documenting what our little tike has been up to lately. At 13 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days old, Justin...

• still has 2 teeth.

• is every bit of a toddler now, as he moves through the house a what seems like the speed of light.

apparently is comfortable with his weight since he has been exactly 20 pounds for about 3 months now.

• is getting LOUDER every day.

is slowly dwindling down from two naps a day to one

• no longer eats baby food. He has been eating "real food" for months but officially stopped eating his occasional jar of baby food this week. On the other hand, I think his mommy jumped a few rungs on the food ladder because I'm not sure if tilapia and crab legs are on the baby food pyramid... but he love's 'em.

dances at even the hint of music

• understands communication. I'm not sure how to explain this one, but this is probably one of the coolest milestones to me. Justin is at the point to where he will ask questions, respond to questions, respond to his name, and pretty much carry a civil conversation with anyone willing to pretend that they understand his language. Granted, he still only knows two words (mama, dada), so everything else is still guttural at best... but his intonations and intent to communicate questions, thoughts, and desires is obvious. His ability to convey the things he wants, likes, and dislike is admirable and unmistakable. We've just got to get his vocabulary going to round things out.

knows how to use two sign language words; "hambre" (hungry) and "mas" (more). We're working on a sign for sleepy (i.e., "night night")... but it's probably pointless because I don't think he'd ever use it. He'd rather pass out in the middle of the floor than be taken to his crib to sleep.

• has about a dozen words or phrases to which he'll properly and consistently respond. The ones that quickly come to mind are..
ARRIBA (lifts arms to get picked up)
TOMA (opens wide to eat)
NO WAY JOSE (shakes head emphatically)
DONDE ESTA LOS OJOS? (points to eyes)
BESITO / BYE BYE (will blow you a kiss with either or both hands)
PEE PEE (grabs the front of his diaper... no, we're not perverted. Just getting an early jump on potty training)

is finally starting to take an interest in books and being read to.

• is becoming more stubborn emphatic about feeding himself and holding his own spoon... which is a good thing except when you don't have 30 minutes to wait for him to finish a meal. 

and last but not least... is growing up way too fast for his adoring parents.

oh... and evidently he's not too big to get thrown in the kitchen 
sink for a spur of the moment quick-rinse.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I love that last picture! Keep up the great work girl; he's doing great.