But other than that, the pregnancy has been good to me. As for my wife (gotcha) she hasn't had the cravings that I've had, but she has shared my weight gain. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to publish this tidbit (ducking the hurling shoe from across the room), but she mentioned a couple of days ago that she's over 20 pounds heavier in this stage of the pregnancy than she was the first time around. She has also suffered her fair share of heartburn over the past week or so, another symptom that wasn't there the first go-round. As for the baby itself, the flutters have finally turned into kicks and jabs, and V and I now find ourselves occasionally just sitting around marveling at the baby's movements. It's actually about the same timeframe that Justin started his slugfest in her tummy, but it's not nearly the intensity that she experienced back then.
Lastly, at 13 1/2 inches from head to heels and about a pound and a half in weight, the baby has pretty much outgrown the fruit and vegetable analogies (though they still go on for weeks on babycenter.com). V has also
taken to calling the baby "she" despite us not knowing the sex... and as I write this, between the heartburn and the markedly softer kicks and jabs, I'm just now starting to wonder if she is not on to something with her gender bias. (Hmmmm.... ) But either way, the bottom line for now is still the same: we've gotta get moving on coming up with some names!!! At any given moment, we usually have a boy and a girl name and that we are willing to go with "if the baby was born right now"... but the names themselves change every 3 weeks. Oh... and don't let the name be the same as one of V's current students: "We can't name her that! I have a student with that name who doesn't even come to class anymore. And the boy in my class with that name was very disrespectful last week!"... good grief. We've only got 3 months to go. And while that seemed like a lifetime when she was pregnant with Justin, I've gotta feeling that April twentysomething will here before the blink of an eye.

As for the names, whether boy or girl, I say we go with Jerome Jr. and call it a day :o)
Jerome Jr!!??? Just know that you're predestining that kid to be nicknamed "JJ." As long as you've come to grips with that you'll be fine. I'm not really a fan of Juniors...then again maybe that's because DeVon, Jr. just sounds absolutely HORRIBLE! Jerome, Jr. does have a flow to it.
lol... of course i was just joking about the name thing (I would never!) but I'm guessing you know that already. As for "DeVon, Jr".... hey, at least DJ sounds better than JJ... and it doesn't evoke memories of a tall skinny kid named jimmie walker screaming DYNOMITTTE! That would just be awful.
What a beautiful family photo. You guys can be on the cover of a parents magazine. V you look stunning pregnant! Jerome you look handsome as ever. And Justin, well that little cutie pie always steals the show!
I'm putting my bets on a boy. But, no "juniors" please! 3 more months to go!!! Exciting!
Charlette, what do you mean no juniors?! I think Jerome is a beautiful name for a girl.... no? (lol)... As for the gender, you know, even in not wanting to know it's difficult to avoid speculation simply based on the differences between the 1st and 2nd times around. Personally, I would've still guessed boy until I checked the blog archives and realized that by now Justin was kicking like a maniac in there. So either it's a girl this time... or it's a boy who will be a lot less hyper than this older brother! Only time will tell... but for now, I'll mark you down for a "boy" vote.
Looking great! As usual I
LOVE the updates and photos!
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