There's a bit of a story behind the second photo. It started with Justin's transition to his toddler bed and his exploration of the new freedom it allowed him. Come naptime or nighttime, we take Justin to his room and tell him "vete en la cama" (get in the bed)... Well, Mr. SmartyPants has come to the conclusion that as long as he is touching the bed, he is technically in the bed and won't get in trouble for being disobedient (good grief... if children are this clever before they can even talk, it's no wonder...). And so with that, the routine would be that we'd stand in the doorway and tell him to get in the bed; and he would stand next to it, put his head on the mattress, and pretend to go to sleep... but of course the second we walked away, he was off and running (usually to play with the stereo buttons). Well, this particular day, we decided to have our version of a Mexican standoff: I cruised by the door enough times so that he couldn't get far from the bed, and he continued to protest getting entirely in the bed. The photo is the end result:

Sleeping standing up. Hilarious. In the end, we had to change the phrase to "vete TOTALMENTE en la cama" (get ALL THE WAY in the bed) in order to remove the ambiguity and put an end to his shenanigans. Fun while it lasted though.
Last but not least, with the addition of November, the photo scrapbook from 2008 is now complete, and I am officially up to date. Enjoy.
That is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. I laughed so much you would have thought I had company. That's my grandson for you. Reminds me of a certain someone else I know. hmmmm.
Reminds me of when I would tell you that the garbage was your resonsibilty. Well Mr. SmartyPants would grudgingly take the garbage out of the can, tie it up and leave it at the door. The rational was "Dad, you didn't say I had to take it out also". So with that said I had to change it to "you must tie up and take out the garbage" (good grief...the difference is that you were in High School and not a toddler) The apple dosen't fall far from the tree, just get use to it. Leave my Justin alone, you turned out O.K.
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