Photo taken during what was supposed to be bedtime.
Long story short, he has been in his toddler bed for about 3 months, and in his new room for about a month and has done great with the transition. In fact, I'd bet that memories of sleeping in the other room (let alone his crib) are very distant memories for him... if he remembers them at all. Just the other night, we let him hang out in his crib for a few minutes just for kicks and I was amused at how out of place he looked in there. Nonetheless, we let him stay in there long enough to read mommy her bedtime story before tucking her in for the night :o)

In other news, Justin Alexander turned 19 months old today, still weighs around 22 pounds (2 pounds in 7 months... you would think we didn't feed him), has 12 teeth, and will eat almost anything if you let him dip it in barbecue sauce, polynesian sauce or ketchup. This week he has also made the switch from sippy cup to regular cup... And it's funny how much such a small thing changed how he looks. I guess drinking from a sippy cup was one of the last few things that made him look like a baby. I look at him now, and it's like, "what's left?"... It sounds so cliche to say they grow up so quickly... but, man... Weren't we just dropping bottles in the warmer for the little runt just a few days ago? Now the two of us are competing for the same cups and table scraps. Time flies.

As for mommy and baby #2, between Tums, Emetrol, Zantac and cimetidine, we have amassed an impressive collection of heartburn and nausea medication over the past 7 days. V (27 weeks pregnant) is still having her ups and downs with those symptoms, but I think she found some relief in her diet changes last week (less fried foods and tomato-based items). The baby is still super active... lots of rolling around and position changes... but still nowhere near the internal karate demonstration that Justin put on 22 months ago. As for the other symptoms, the silver lining has been that the heartburn has curbed her appetite which in turn has put her weight gain on pause. But meanwhile I'm still downing chocolate milk like it's going out of style... so we've still gotta figure that one out.
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