The biggest challenges of staying home with the kids:
- Getting Jasmine to eat when she'd rather watch her brother or anything else that moves or is colorful in the room. Unlike her momma, Jasmine will miss a meal to stay in "the know"!
- Getting Justin to realize that Jasmine screaming at the top of her lungs is not an invitation to become a screaming duet
with his little sister. Of course, this only happens in the car, when I have little control over the situation. Go figure!
- Getting one of Jasmine's three naps to coincide with Justin's only nap of the day so that Mommy can catch a break for a few minutes (and even a quick nap, too).
- Getting ready to leave the house in less than an hour. By the time I've prepared a bottle for Jasmine, a snack for Justin and reloaded the diaper bag with stuff I forgot to replenish the night before, it's time to change Jasmine's diaper AGAIN (or maybe even feed her AGAIN) or take Justin to the potty AGAIN (or all three at the same time on a really "fun" day).
- Getting in some regular exercise that is going to help me get rid of this extra baby weight. Thank God (and Abuelo) for the double stroller. It has been a total life saver when I need to get in a brisk walk (or take the kids with me anywhere for that matter). Also Jerome has been great with coming home and taking over as he is able so that I can get to the gym a couple of times a week.
And the best parts:
- Not having to pump at work and drag all of that gear everywhere!
- Getting to watch how much Justin is really enjoying his sister. He's become a little comedian and loves to make her laugh.
- Practicing my Spanish with Justin. Since I am still pretty self-conscience about my pronunciation and ability to recall the right words I am looking for when I need them, it helps that Justin is just following my lead and doesn't even know that I used the wrong
tense of verb (or does he?!). Hopefully, I am not messing him up too much in the meantime.
- Getting to connect with other moms and support each other while giving our children opportunities to interact with other children their age. We tend to have at least one scheduled play date / interactive activity each week, although every trip outside the house is an adventure all by itself.
- Getting to see Justin light up when he hears the garage door open or the keys go in the door to indicate that daddy is home!
- Realizing that in the midst of all of the craziness, this is still the best "job" in the world and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to do this (at least for a little while). So, although I secretly never thought I'd be any good at this role (always thinking I was more of a career woman), I am absolutely loving every CRAZY minute that comes along with being at home full-time.

1 comment:
Wow, V you sure do have your hands full. The babies are growing so fast. I miss them sooo much. I really, really wonder how my momma did seven of us. The first 3 were three years apart each. The last four were two years apart. Wow!!! She must have been like Super Woman. Jasmine and Justin look so adorable together. The bond that is being created will last a lifetime.
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