Okay... celebration time over. And just like that, it's time to move on to the next project: the aluminum fencing that we ordered for the front of the house came in about a week ago and is just sitting in the backyard... taunting me with every pass... and awaiting installation. Oh what fun. Home ownership. The eternal project. Bitter sweet. Gotta love it.

The south side of the house used to be a swampy bug-infested area that I just loathed to mow and maintain. So I finally got wise, filled it with rocks (still can't believe I paid that much for rocks), and made it suitable for a shed and storage area. If nothing else, I was excited to get the lawnmower (now in the shed) out the garage. Talk about a space saver.
Great job! Looks great!
Simply beautiful! Love the colors. How inviting, especially since this is actually your main entrance (haha). You know I'm really jealous now. I thought I was doing something just cleaning out my garage. By the way, can you send me over your little helper? I think she's really cute.
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