And it's funny because we swore that we wouldn't be here when we had kids... and that soon became, "we definitely won't be here when our kids are walking"... "oh wait... what I meant was when our kids are in school..." Okay... so fast forward five years and two kids later (wow... time has in incredible way of flying by and making a mockery of your plans, doesn't it?)... here we are, at the same ol' house we've come to know and love. And so with one kid ready for a bicycle and the other crawling at the speed of light, it was finally time to set some boundaries.

"I'm the foreman... and I say it's crooked!"

Justin tests the fence by pounding his soccer ball into it.

Put 'em to work

"I'd like my one phone call, thank you."
Welcome home, Peace of Mind.
I like the fence. It looks great with the shutters! Now you don't have to stand in ready position waiting to run interference with a b-line to the street.
Extremely nice looking fence. Looks very profesional. Had I not seen the pictures, I would have asked how much they charged. Thanks for protecting my little people. Dad.
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