11 days shy of 7 months, Jasmine Olivia had her "6-month check-up" yesterday. In short, she is doing great. She and Justin are still fighting off cold symptoms that have been lingering for a couple of weeks now, but otherwise, all is good. In terms of measurements, she is 14 pounds and one ounce heavy, plus 27 inches long. That puts her in the 20th and 90th percentiles for weight and height, respectively. Head percentile was 75th, if I remember correctly. And as far as other milestones go, Jasmine has been up to a lot lately. In particular, Jasmine Olivia...
- is pulling herself up on just about ... which is obviously a problem since not everything is stable enough to support our little wobbly woman... which means that "thud" you just heard was probably her falling from somewhere she didn't belong. Happens all day long. If we had a dollar
for every time her head hit the floor, we'd be able to make an extra mortgage payment this month... (okay, so it's not that bad, but it does make for good reading, doesn't it?).
- is slowly transitioning from the seated walker to the push walker. She still needs a whole lot of supervision with it, but I'd say give her about another 3 weeks and she'll be a champion on it. As for other means of transportation, she now whips the seated walker around the house like it's motorized. If she had one, she would've gotten her license revoked a long time ago for both speeding and vehicular manslaughter (watch your ankles!). She has also graduated to full crawl status, getting from room to room at a decent pace on all fours, and therefore reminding us of how un-baby-proof our house has become in the short time since Justin became a toddler.
- has finally slowed down on the drooling... but still has zero teeth.
- is still enamored with her brother; but is starting to dig her parents, too.

- has officially booted Justin out of his high chair as she has graduated to solid foods (which, we were quickly reminded, means solid "something else" too)... This week, the featured menu item is pumpkin (hey, we had to do something with our souvenir from our trip last month). In short, she loves it. The first 2 weeks or so were touch and go, with Jasmine going from loving her solids, to despising it, to a steady state of being luke warm about eating from a spoon. But something changed (maybe the menu)... and as I fed her last night for the first time in weeks (Mommy has been the exclusive solid food provider of late) I had to marvel at how well she did. Not only did she eat well... but she ate A LOT.. and ate it with a level of neatness and patience that kind of left me baffled. It was nothing like the good ol' days of feeding Justin his first solids, when the 3 seconds between bites seemed like an eternity to him, turning his mealtime into more of a feeding frenzy than anything else. But little miss muffet just sat there and smiled (and even posed for a few photos between bites), opening wide and doing everything short of wiping her own mouth to make the experience pleasurable. Now I know, you're not supposed to compare children (yeah right... good luck with that!)... but Jasmine is so doggone emotional (i.e., over the top dramatic) with everything else compared to Justin back at 6-to-9 months, that I simply have to give props where props are due: This is one area where she's got Justin beat. So in the "calm and collected" category of achievement, the score is now Justin, 43, and Jasmine, 1.

- is wondering why daddy gave up on the photo archives 4 months ago... leaving more than 1/2 her life "photographically unaccounted for". Don't worry Jasmine, I'll catch up... as soon as we get your brother off to college.
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