Sometimes I realize that we don't say much about Justin on the blog anymore (all Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine)... but in fact, the truth is that, given the opportunity I couldn't say enough about him or about how fortunate I know I am to have a son. I love that little boy to pieces. Sometimes I feel like my eyes will well up just to talk about him because I'm so overwhelmed with pride for the little crazy bugger. But that of course, is the trap of parenting. Milestones are the most adoring thing when you are still keeping track of your child's age by how many months they are... but then there's that fine line... when it crosses over to that unbearable brand of bragging that no one but a grandparent can appreciate. No parent knows when they cross that boundary. One day it just happens. And there's no turning back. It quickly turns into keychains with photos... and then morphs into Honor Roll bumper stickers... and from there you become (gasp) that parent. That parent that people avoid being in the room with for more than 4 minutes, because every conversation transforms into a discussion of how fantastic their child is. I should know... my mother was (gasp)... that parent.
But with that said, I thought it was finally time that we checked back in to see what the little tyke is up to these days. So with everything that I have, I will fight the urge to stand on top of a milk crate and scream through the crowded streets that my child is the greatest... Instead, I will sit here quiet and composed, and do my best to sound matter-of-fact as I mention a few things about the greatest son ever.. (ahem)... I mean, my son Justin.
At 29 months old (ha ha just kidding)... Justin Alexander...
Is a practical joker. He's a funny guy. He's got jokes. All. Day. Long. I remember reading about how it takes a certain level of cleverness to be funny; particularly in the realm of practical jokes, because you've gotta know the right answer in addition to which wrong answer will be funny. Kinda like how sarcasm takes wit. And so, understand my amusement when I'm being set up for practical jokes by a then one-year-old. The kid's hilarious. His only comedic flaw is that he laughs at his own jokes before he delivers them. But we'll work on that before he goes national with is stand-up routine.
Is shy. And that's very funny to say after just talking about his stand-up comedy. But he is definitely slow to warm to new people, and then totally a ham once he has deemed you a friend. No idea where he gets that from... I'm just such a people person (what are you laughing at?). He went from willing to go with anyone, to being that kid that cries every time we leave him at Sunday nursery.
Is bilingual. I'd say that his vocabulary is about 60/40 in terms of the spanish/english split... but in terms of actual speech and comprehension, I'd probably weigh it a little heavier on the spanish side. It also seems like his vocabulary just EXPLODED about 3 months ago, and from there he just took off. The changes are so subtle that it's really hard to pinpoint specific milestones. For example, we pretty much have no idea when he learned his alphabet. It's like he just did. And it would be equally hard to pinpoint when he started counting. But one funny moment that I will document, however, is about 2 months ago when we were counting with him to ten (in spanish) in the usual fashion: subdued for 1 thru 9, and the big exclamation at 10 ("DIEZ!") as if that was the last number ever made... and as we walked away, he goes... ONCE... DOCE... TRECE... and proceeds to count to twenty. V and I just looked at each other like did YOU teach him that?! Hilarious moment (evidently he learned it from tv, btw). And that was topped only 20 seconds later when he showed us that he could do it in english, too (though not quite as well)... which goes back to the shy part, because ask him to count in front of an audience at music class and you'd think that he was a deaf-mute with no home training. Gee... thanks for making me look like the superstar parent on that one. Way to go, kiddo (argh).
Is super affectionate. Words couldn't describe how great he is with his little sister. From spontaneous hugs and kisses, to the whispers of "don't cry Jasmine", to his level of restraint when he's minding his own business and she decides it's time to tear his face apart. I've always been content in my own status as an only child, but in watching the two
of them interact, for the first time I feel the envy of how wonderful it could've been to grow up with a sibling that loves me as much as they obviously adore each other. Yesterday, V and I entered the room with Justin already there and Jasmine in our arms. Justin erupted with joy and ran to us. Both V and I were feeling the love... for about 3 seconds... until he grabbed Jasmine, the two of them smiled from ear to ear, greeting each other with hugs and kisses as if they hadn't seen each other in years, and then he went back to his business as if we weren't even there. I guess we don't rate.

And sometimes it's the little stuff that displays a level of thoughtfulness and perceptiveness that I would've never equated with a two-year-old. Like the times after a long day that he comes and pats me on my head and back, and look at me in silence as if to say, "you're alright with me, dad". And even though I take thousands of pictures of him and the fam, those are the moments that could never be captured, and that I know I'll miss the most.
Still confuses colors with sesame street characters. My shirt is not red, it's elmo. His action figure is not brown... it's Ernie. And the sun is not yellow... it's Big Bird. Mommy is a little distressed about it, but I just think it's hilarious. He'll grow out of it, but for now I'm enjoying the quirks and quarks of the learning process.
Just finished about two months of music class (no particular instrument) and swimming lessons.
Throws like superstar. We're still working on the catch, though.
Uses my ipod (vocab building apps) more than I do.
Is the greatest son ever. Okay sorry. I just couldn't resist. What can I say. I guess I'm that parent.

1 comment:
Awww, this made me want to cry. My little Justin Justin is growing up. And , YES, I was that Parent. Still AM. You aint seen nothing yet. Wait ,til your friends start talking about you behind your back. Jay, Jay, Jay that's all she ever talks about.Well you have two J's, good luck with that one.
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