With final exams ending over a week ago, you'd think I'd have more time to post. But as usual, the end of classes at the University just means more time to do the million and one things that I've put off during the 4 months of instruction. But on the good side of things, it also means quite a bit more time with the wife and kiddies. It's been pretty doggone cold outside, but we've had fun for a change being holed up for the past week or so
(usually staring at the walls for days at a time would be enough to drive us all mad). Here are some cell phone pictures of the kiddos wreaking havoc in the bookstore during last weekend's excursion to Barnes and Noble. These two are forever entertaining.

I'll trade you 2 Elmos and a Big Bird
for your puppet book over there.

We're busted... hide the goods.

While I was tending to Jasmine, Justin had evidently taken all of
the stuffed animals off the shelf, lined them up, laid down with
them; and as I turned the corner told me that Dora and
her amigos went "nite nite". I guess they looked tired to him.
Gotta love a child's imagination.

Of course, there are no books worth reading on the bottom shelf.

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