Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Quarantined pt. III

We now know that pink-eye comes in 2 flavors: viral and bacterial. Need I say more? I think you see where this is going. In short, Jasmine came down with the latter (and luckily less severe) form about 36 hours ago. And if you think keeping 2 kids quarantined is a task, try keeping just one kid quarantined when the two are in the same household. Luckily, mommy was quick to react with an 8 pm visit to the doctor Monday night, got the treatment we needed, and put Jasmine well on her way to recovery. As for the contagion, it looks like we dodged the bullet. The 3 healthy members of the family seem to be pink-eye free, Jasmine's right eye is no longer dripping guck, and daddy is being optimistic about this being the last entry he'll have to write entitled "Quarantined".


Charlette said...

Be careful with that pink eye! I remember when we were the "Pink eye family" earlier this year..not fun. Hope it's gone fast!

avidphotog said...

Yep. I remember seeing the pictures on your website. In fact... I can't prove it, but I think Jasmine got pink eye from reading your blog. Man that stuff is contagious. You should be more careful about what you write about, missy.

Anyway, good to hear from you.