While the rest of the east coast was preparing to dig itself out from a record weekend blizzard, we got our usual "OH MY GOSH... IT'S GONNA SNOW IN HAMPTON ROADS!!!" warnings... followed by the usual snow dusting that melted away by noon. In any event, it was Justin's second snowfall (and obviously Jasmine's first) and this time it didn't disappoint; staying on the ground at least long enough for him to conduct an experiment or two.
"Hmm... it's cold... soft.. and easily shaped by my fingers... only thing left to determine is..."

"... is it crunchy?"
Not only did it prove crunchy, but evidently it was very delicious. He proceeded to have seconds and thirds after the first handful. I think he would have cleaned off the whole patio if we let him.
Jasmine, however, was content to stay in the living room and conduct her own experiment of the physical sciences: "Time studies of tensile strength using malleable surfaces" (also know as, can I gum my way through a plastic bottle before they take it away?)

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