Most of the time, I'll only post the finished product: a cute photo of Justin or Jasmine, smiling and in the perfect position, lighting and setting
(okay, so maybe not perfect... but halfway decent at least). Well... for every decent photo that you see, there are probably 10 or 20 that didn't make the cut. And sometimes there are no keepers at all. Long story short, I won't even tell you how many times we tried to get that "perfect" holiday shot of the two of them in front of the Christmas tree. We had grand plans of holiday cards, framed photos, etc. But the joke was on us... because if Justin was ready, Jasmine was cranky. And if Jasmine was ready, Justin didn't want to be bothered. And when they
both were ready, they were simply too silly to handle as a duo. And so despite the valiant efforts of their parents, it turned out that there would simply be no "formal portrait" of the two little crumb snatchers in 2009.
But as I was going through the pictures that didn't make the cut, I thought to myself: you know what... this is simply who they are right now:
the most non-cooperative children on the planet... and missing an opportunity to savor these photos along with the usual keepers would probably mean missing an opportunity to relish the moment and simply enjoy how much fun they are right now. Unequivocally crazy... but fun, nonetheless. So without further ado, here they are: The holiday photos that weren't.

Dude... brush your sideburns down next time! You're
lucky I've got enough drool to paste them down for you.

Distractions... Distractions... Sesame
Street trumps daddy once again.

"Pay attention!"

And all of a sudden, she's camera shy.

"I've got an idea... let's blink everytime daddy takes a
picture. It'll drive him nuts, I promise!"

Okay... now they're just being plain ol' silly. Forget it... we'll try again next Christmas. Oh, and by the way, Happy New Year!