Getting a dog has a been a point of discussion in our house since Justin Alexander was born. But when the neighbors bought their son a dog last week, I refused to be outdone. So we went and bought Justin a lion. Top that, buddy!

But jokes aside, it was a pretty (cold but) amazing day at the zoo. I was in total disbelief to see the lion cub so close to the glass, and doubly awestruck to watch Justin's interaction with her. The kid is just fearless. There was no hesitation and evidently no thought of, "hmm... that lion could eat me, couldn't she?" I don't know if this is a product of being two, or a product of being Justin; but he climbed up to the glass and started interacting with the lion like they were old friends. While I was standing there snapping away with the camera, thinking "Holy Cow!", on Justin's face there was no smile, no sense of "wow", and no perception of this being out of the ordinary. You would've thought he did this everyday. I think I'm going to start calling him the lion whisperer. Meanwhile, I put Jasmine (aka frazzle) up to the glass and she pretty much freaked out. In hindsight that was my fault, as she obviously doesn't even know what a lion (or any other animal) is. All she saw was something large, furry, foreign, and with lots of teeth. If I was 8 months old, I guess I would've freaked out, too.
1 comment:
great photos!!
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