Just call us the hand-me-down family; because if you've got it, we'll take it. Here are two more toys for the backyard collection. We scored the outdoor easel at the same time as the picnic table. It wasn't a hit at first, but it has recently been converted from a chalkboard to the world's smallest clubhouse (you've gotta love their imagination). Since then it has officially been put into the play rotation.
And then the whopper of them all: Venesa has been eyeing the neighbor's two trampolines since we moved in; optimistically figuring that their kids were already too old to take advantage of it. And as of yesterday, one of the trampolines has finally made its way to our backyard (no, she didn't steal it). Until we get a net to go around it, I might need some heart medication for this one (all I see are visions of little casts and broken arms)... but the kids couldn't be happier. How someone can spend 45 minutes just bouncing up and down is beyond me. For me, it would be like, up, down, up, down... cool. I'm done. But then I guess those are the things about being 2 and 3 years old that we simply never get back: Simple pleasures at their best.

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